학교형태: Private(사립), Trimester(3학기제)
Total undergrads: 1,554(학부), 기숙사 없음
입학요건 | Admission Requirement:
비용 | Cost:
Tuition: $35,980
지원마감 | Deadline:
Rolling, Feb 1 / 장학금 가능
학교형태: Private(사립), Trimester(3학기제)
Total undergrads: 1,554(학부), 기숙사 없음
입학요건 | Admission Requirement:
비용 | Cost:
Tuition: $35,980
지원마감 | Deadline:
Rolling, Feb 1 / 장학금 가능
AA school, which can be said to be the eternal ideal of architecture students, can be proud of being the beginning of architectural innovation. AA School is one of the world’s leading architectural schools, with a history of 150 years, and is famous for producing progressive architects. In 1846, Robert Kerr and Charles Gray created a school for architectural education, and it is a school that has created world-class architectural innovations to date.
School Information
Admission Requirement:
Bachelor: IELTS 6.5 (each section 6.0 or higher) / Master: IELTS 6.5 (each section 6.0 or higher)
Foundation: £16,077
Undergraduate: (annual fee, First to Fifth Years) £17,814
MA/Msc: £20,883
MArch(16 months), as above with additional fourth term: £6,961
1st mid-January, 2nd mid-March
This school, which plays a significant role in the world architecture world with original and creative architectural education, consists of a 1-year foundation course and a 5-year RIBA/ARB undergraduate course. The architecture course is different from general art colleges. After completing the 3rd year, you can get a bachelor’s degree and take the RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) part 1 exam, and in the 4th and 5th years, you can receive more advanced education. will receive
4th year students can choose between MA and AA diploma, which is practical education, and students who have completed it can see RIBA part 2. And after two years of practical experience, you are eligible to take part 3 of RIBA. AA schools don’t check attendance, you don’t have to listen to lectures, and it’s relatively easy to enter, but it’s quite difficult to graduate within 5 years. It is known that more than half of the students fail every year.
36 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3ES
T: 020 7887 4067 / 4007
E: graduateadmissions@aaschool.ac.uk