American Art study abroad

We support your dreams!!!

American art design study abroad
We support your dreams!!!
Globally, the United States has played a leading role in all areas of politics, economy, society, culture and education. In particular, creative education in the field of art design ranks first in the world. In addition, advanced education that combines art design with various fields such as socioeconomic science is the reason why we dream of studying art design in the United States. There are over 5,100 universities in the United States, including state universities and private universities, and world-class universities are diversely distributed in each state of the United States. Among them, prestigious arts colleges in art design are famous for their creative and original education, and provide opportunities for hands-on experience in state-of-the-art design programs. Students who complete such education will be recognized for their creativity and expertise, and will be able to gain more experience in artist activities and employment abroad.

English proficiency requirements for admission

Generally, high SAT scores are required for High school students to apply for admission to top universities in the United States. However, in order to enter most of the art design prestigious arts colleges in the United States, the SAT is not required and you can submit a TOEFL or IELTS score. The average TOEFL score is 80, and the IELTS score is 6.5. If you are preparing to study art design in the United States, even if your TOEFL/IELTS score is low, if you prepare your portfolio well, you can enter a prestigious art university in the United States through the conditional formal admission system. There is no average cutoff for high school GPA, but students with high GPA have an advantage in admission. Of course, since the admissions reflection rate that the portfolio occupies is more than 70-80%, there are many cases of being accepted into prestigious art colleges in the United States even if the high school grades are low. Don’t worry if your GPA is on the low side. Students who prepare their portfolios diligently can also enter the prestigious American arts colleges.


Students who are preparing for the prestigious art design arts college in the United States are required to prepare their own creative portfolio! It is important to prepare step-by-step from basic portfolio to application portfolio and final portfolio. In the US Portfolio Review Board, it is important to show a student’s potential and how much they have grown in their portfolio.

In prestigious art colleges in the United States, it is mandatory to apply for individual creative portfolios of 15 to 20 works on average. However, there is no problem in selecting and applying to each prestigious art university when a portfolio of at least 20 works is prepared. Passed the prestigious art university! Don’t forget to apply for scholarships. You must prepare at least 20 works.

Greensum Freer Hanoi..

Even students who have never learned to draw can get started and prepare. It is important to start now. Greensum means dream. Realizing the need for creative convergent art education, Greensum started with the name Greensum Freer and became a leading art education and training institution. Greensum is a space for students who want to prepare for a prestigious art university abroad.
Greensum is an educational institution that promotes the fundamentals of fine arts and educates students to prepare their own unique and creative portfolios.

Greensum supports your dreams!!!

uNITED KINGDOM Art study abroad

We support your dreams!!!

The UK is a country with an excellent education system. Most of the universities are operated as national universities, and there are only about 180 universities, which are far fewer than those in the United States, due to strict government management. However, it is recognized as excellent enough to include about 18 to 20 British universities in the top 100 of the world’s universities. Most of the UK’s art and design universities, made up of public universities, also have advantages in terms of cost of studying abroad. There is no big difference in tuition fees at British universities, and the average tuition fee is around 300 to 400 million dong per year. Therefore, in terms of time and cost to obtain a bachelor’s or master’s degree, the economic burden is not high compared to the cost of studying art design in the United States compared to studying at an American university. The UK is giving students who have completed a bachelor’s degree or higher graduating in 2021 the opportunity to receive a work visa after graduating from university for two years so that they can take advantage of their art design major and find a job in the UK even after graduating from university.

IELTS Admission Requirements

In order to prepare for studying abroad in the foundation 1-year art design course in the UK, a portfolio of 15 to 20 and an English score of IELTS of 5.0 or higher are required. Also, compared to the US, you can prepare and apply before the September admission, so you can focus on preparing your portfolio first. After passing the portfolio, IELTS English scores are submitted, so it is advantageous for students who are burdened with English preparation.


The UK’s Colleges of the Arts take very seriously the student’s basic portfolio. Creative Portfolio A unique portfolio is basic, but what Korean students don’t think about is the portfolio process. We call this a workbook, and the workbook is an essential process in the portfolio, and as a basis for preparing a project portfolio, it is to prepare my idea process and development process using reference materials. never forget. In Europe, preparation of workbooks is essential. As in the US, you need to prepare more than 15 to 20 works, and usually design your portfolio as a PDF and apply. For students preparing to study art design in the UK, it is easier to prepare a portfolio and prepare for infants than in the US. If you need to prepare in a short period of time with students who are burdened with English preparation, start preparing to study art design in the UK.

Greensum Freer Hanoi..

This is your creative space where you can receive advice on preparing your creative portfolio and preparing for all admissions at Greensum Freer Hanoi.
Place to prepare art study abroad portfolio in Hanoi for middle and high school students, as well as majors and non-practical students who have no basis in art!
A place equipped with a total study abroad preparation system with 1:1 study abroad procedure advice!
The prestigious Greensum Freer The Art for creative portfolio preparation.

Greensum supports your dreams!!!

korea Art study abroad

CANADA Art study abroad

Why should I choose to study art design in Canada?

Canada is a country with many opportunities for students who want to study abroad. The fact that more than 550,000 international students apply for admission and study abroad every year proves this. The reason so many international students come to Canada is that there are more work opportunities than any other country out there. For students who want to study art design in Canada, it is probably because they can get a job opportunity after graduation.
A society with a high quality of life
· Pleasant environment!
· Advanced and best art design education!
Recognition of treating art design majors and designers
Wide job opportunities for international students

Affordable tuition and cost of living

University tuition in Canada varies somewhat from university to university, but it is usually around 200 to 500 million dong per year. Compared to the US and the UK, tuition and living expenses are much cheaper. There are not many arts colleges in Canada compared to the United States. However, education in world-renowned schools focuses on creativity and originality.

Greensum supports your dreams!!!


A creative and original portfolio is required for admission to the Canadian College of the Arts. Portfolio reflection rate is at least 70-80%. You must prepare your own ideas and unique portfolio.

The Canadian judges are taking seriously the problems with students’ entrance art techniques, such as sketching, watercolor techniques, ideas and expressions, and conversions of thinking. It is important to have your own unique technique and to show the stage of your developing portfolio. Canada does not require many portfolios as it prefers portfolios with high creative quality rather than number of portfolios. However, preparing only 10 to 15 portfolios can be a problem when applying later. After preparing a portfolio of 20 or more works, it is recommended to select and submit the most confident portfolio suitable for the applied art college. If you want to invest in your future with relatively low tuition compared to the United States, choose Art Study in Canada.

AUSTRALIA Art study abroad

Australia Art Education

Australia’s art education is well known for its creative convergence education that combines practice and theory. Improves problem-solving ability and thinking ability, and expands communication ability so that self-learning ability, creativity, and professional design skills can be combined. It is one of the countries where interest in studying art and design is concentrated, as many universities have been selected in the top 50 world universities, and top universities are additionally selected every year.

Australian Foundation Pre-University Program

In order to enter a regular university in Australia, you must first go to the foundation course, complete the pre-university course, and then apply for admission. What is the Australian Art Foundation University Preparatory Course? This is a course (1 year) for non-English speaking students to improve their English skills, experience and prepare for university life in advance by studying some of the subjects they will major in before entering an art design university in Australia. In order to pass the art foundation course and apply for admission to a university belonging to the G8 regular university, it is possible to have excellent Korean high school grades, portfolio preparation, and English grades. It may be possible to apply for admission, but most of them apply for admission to the Australian Art & Design Foundation course, and after completing the foundation course, they will enter the regular art college (3 years) course. Therefore, students who wish to apply for admission to Jonggyu University (3 years) in Australia must prepare for admission through the Art Foundation course. The Art Foundation pre-university course in Australia, England, New Zealand, etc. is a preliminary art design course that allows you to experience the art design course you will learn in a 3-year university course and solidify the basics.

University Preparatory Course Foundation

Portfolio: 15-20 points
Official English test score: IELTS 5.0-6.0
Eligibility: High school graduates or graduates
Documents for application: Graduation/transcript from the last school attended (English)
Recommendation letter, essay


Portfolio: 15-20 points
Official English test score: IELTS 6.0/6.5 or higher
Eligibility: High school graduates or graduates
Documents for application: Graduation/transcript from the last school attended (English)
Recommendation letter, essay

europe Art study abroad

Asia Art study abroad


Advice on guaranteeing admission to prestigious  overseas

Art Univerities